How to Choose the Best Insoles for Running Shoes

How to Choose the Best Insoles for Running Shoes

If you’re a runner or marathoner, you probably already have an idea of some of the ways that running puts stress on your feet. 

In thinking about how to choose the best insoles for running and arch support, it’s wise to keep the ways that running impacts different parts of your feet, from the balls of your feet to the arches and plantar fascia in mind. Also, be sure to consider any pre-existing foot issues you may have so that you can provide those areas with some extra support when picking insoles out for your running shoes. 

Choose Your Running Insoles By Area of Support

It’s wise to think about choosing running insoles by which areas you want to support your feet the most, or which areas of the feet require the most support. Any good pair of insoles will add a general layer of support to the whole foot. But you may wish to focus on adding extra support to specific problem areas. 

Choosing the Best Insoles for Running with Flat Feet

If you’re a runner who has flat feet, you will want to look for an insole with strong arch support. The best arch support insoles for running help to align the foot and reduce excessive arch movement or stretching. 

Added arch support insoles also typically reduce or prevent excess arch pain over time that comes from an improperly supported foot. They may even reduce the chance of developing further foot problems like plantar fasciitis. 

Choosing the Best Insoles for Running with Ball of Foot Pain

Pain in the balls of the feet is common when running. Think about the heel-toe movement of planting your feet down on the hard pavement, and it’s not difficult to imagine why. Running and exercising place extra stress on the balls of the foot, which is why a good pair of running insoles will offer added support in the ball of the feet. 

Some runners who experience ball-of-foot pain more so than other types of pain prefer to purchase dedicated ball-of-foot pads, though these offer less overall foot support than a good insole with ball-of-foot support. 

Choosing the Best Insoles for Running with Plantar Fasciitis

If you suffer from plantar fasciitis in your feet, you’ll want to look for strong arch support, similar to if you were looking for insoles for flat feet. There’s a reason that so many running insoles have such strong arch support: it’s because so many foot problems can be attributed to a need for more of it! That’s precisely why Lightfeet insoles offer superior arch support and are suitable for running.


Choosing the Best Insoles for Shock Absorption & Cushioning

If you prefer to run on hard surfaces like pavement or you experience anything from generalized pain in your feet to shin splints, you’re going to want to find a pair of running insoles that offers you superior cushioning, like Lightfeet Active Neutral Insoles

You’ve likely heard the phrase “bounce back” applied to how someone recovers from loss or setbacks. But it’s just as applicable to running when applied literally! 

When you run, your feet hit the ground hard. With the right pair of insoles, the extra cushioning provided can quite literally help your feet bounce back. This not only reduces the high impact of running on your feet but also promotes efficiency and maximizes momentum, keeping you moving forward more easily. 

Choosing the Best Insoles for Foot Stabilization

Now you know about running insoles designed to maximize arch support and provide extra cushioning. But what about foot alignment?

If you’re prone to over pronation or your foot tends to slide around in your shoe, you should certainly reconsider the size shoe you are wearing. That said, assuming that you are, in fact, wearing the correct size, the next thing to take a look at is foot stabilization. Thankfully, there are insoles made with just that in mind. 

A good pair of foot-stabilizing insoles will generally include a moulded heel cup as well as some arch support to keep each component of the foot in place rather than allowing the foot to slide around.

Final Thoughts

From alleviating plantar fasciitis pain to absorbing impact or aligning the foot, a good pair of running-focused insoles or orthotics can do wonders for your feet. While certain insole elements, such as strong arch support, can alleviate a variety of foot issues, it’s important to think more about your specific foot issues while running and then choose a pair of insoles based on that. Doing so will ensure you get the maximum benefit from your insoles, which will promote a more comfortable and enjoyable running experience and alleviate any localized foot pain you may be experiencing during your daily runs.